Sm Head 05

HoloSapiens - the TCM "Food as Medicine" Project




The difference between fear and fright is that the latter has a sudden and unexpected nature while the former tends to be rather continuous and chronic.

Fright relates to the Kidney. The body takes from it's Essence to supplement the abrupt loss of energy occurred by an experience of fright.

The Kidney opens to the hair. As the hair relies on nourishment from Kidney Essence severe fright might turn the entire hair white in an instant, as the Essence, which nourishes the hair, will be severely depleted by the fright.

As fright disturbs the mind it also affects the Heart - in traditional Chinese medicine the Heart houses the mind. Thus fright consumes the Qi of the Heart, causing severe heart palpitations.

The antidote to fright on a vital and physical levels is to generate strong Heart Qi and sufficient Kidney Essence (to learn more review the materials about the Heart and the Kidney in the Physiology chapter).


Another way to counteract fright is action. 




Related Articles:

The Seven Emotions - Internal Cause of Disease







Other Emotions - Attachment

The Toxic Effect of Disturbing Emotions and Some Ways to Approach Them 


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